The Circle is Sacred

In order to heal relational wounds, you need to be in relation with others.

The term, Circle is a way of expressing the relatedness of all things. A perspective that acknowledges one's experience of the physical world, the world of events, feelings, thoughts and relationships.

On this continent, Native Americans have called this circle of life "The Medicine Wheel."

“Medicine” meaning the human being's journey around the circle results in a whole /complete human being and that this human lives in good and balanced relations in all aspects of life ... physical, mental, emotional and finally, spiritual.

We all desire deep healing, deeper passion, and crystal-clear clarity. There is so much on your healing journey that can be done on your own but there are many things that you need a coach, accountability partner or integration group for. In order to heal relational wounds, you need to be in relation with others. To be truly seen and accepted you must be seen and accepted by those that you respect. Higher levels of growth and development can happen when we stop trying to evolve alone and commit to a dynamic group. We must all lead each other. Your pace on this path accelerates through engagement. As you “pay forward” your attention to the group, the group can reciprocate exponential value to you. Most people entering a dynamic group have actually been trained to be passive, skeptical, and energetically separate from the group. This is an invitation to guide you to attune, engage, and amplify our collective potential. You are actually supported, this experience will prove it if you open yourself to it.

Circles Include:

  • On Going Group Chat

  • Monthly Calls / Workshops

  • Guides & Practices

“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek”

-Joseph Campbell

It’s scary to be truly seen by a group of strangers but deep down inside it’s what we deeply desire. This is your invitation to join a group of like-minded people on a similar path and past. The self-actualization journey can be very lonely, you will be more successful with support. Join us!

The group programs will offer education, accountability and community. Each group will have a lively group chat, and scheduled Zoom calls and some will even have a retreat opportunity at the end to meet in person. Pick the one that is best for you!


Types of Women’s Circles we offer:

Mothers, Divorcees, Rewilding, Pleasure


Types of Men’s Circles we offer:

Divine Masculine, Business, Conscious Cross Fit


Types of Blended Circles we offer:

Couples, Creatives, Entrepreneurs, Illness / End of Life

Create your own circle with our support.

Would you love to microdose with your company, culdesac or friend group but you don’t know how to support a group? We would love to help you! Book a call to discuss how we can help you create the best container for growth and healing.

Group minimum: 5 Group Max: 30